“I care! I chose to get involved!”
Who We Are
We are a community of friends, passionate about doing what we can to make the world a better place.
In December 2002, we founded the association “Noi Orizonturi – Familia” (New Horizons-Family), a non-profit and non-governmental organization.
A love for people, respect for life in all its complexity, a passion to contribute positively to the community, faith in God and the desire to help those who face major social or medical problems are the cornerstones on which our association was built.
Our motto “I care! I choose to get involved!” is a way of life for our team.
The values that motivate us
What We Do?
To accomplish our goals, we:
- Facilitate medical aid for children and young people who are fighting against cancer. This medical assistance is accompanied by parental counseling, emotional therapy, therapeutical musical programs, animal-assisted activity workshops, and projects that help create favorable conditions to accompany medical treatment.
- Are carrying out a medical program, in which children with strabismus can receive proper treatment, which includes professional diagnosis, corrective glasses and/or corrective eye surgeries and long-term ophthamological supervision. This program is especially designed for children from underprivileged and socially disadvantaged families or those who are under the care of the Romanian state social assistance programs (many of whom are orphans).
- Support children who are eager to learn, but for social reasons are unable to continue their education without assistance.
- Organize workshops and courses on various topics for educators and parents.
- Strive to improve children’s educational standards by creating and promoting educational audio-video materials that encourage moral values and build character.
- Do mentoring, coaching and training programs for personal and professional development.
- Support socially disadvantaged families and foster families receiving state aid.
- Provide commodities needed for day care centers, hospitals, kindergartens, schools, homes for the elderly.
- Provide support in situations of natural disaster.
- Initiate programs for senior citizens in the care of social assistance centers or who are at home, but in difficult social conditions.
We realize that we cannot solve all the problems of today’s society, but we can put our hearts into the creation of long-term sustainable projects, that are resilient in a time of economic realities when generosity is uncommon.
By helping even one person, you can become part of the solution!